Sirangam Mutt

Sri Brahmatantra Parakala Swami Mutt, Srirangam is also known popularly as Swami Vedantha Desikan Thirumaligai. This divine premises is said to have been at one time, the blessed vaasasthanam of Swami Vedanta Desikan. Daily Thiruvaradanam, Azhwar- Acharya Thirunakshatrams are celebrated along with thatheeyaradhanam during utsavam and dwaadasi days. Veda-Prabandha pathams and Kalakshepams happen regularly here.
This historic building is an ancient one and is in immediate need of restoraion and renovation. It also needs the addition of some convenience features for the stay of the Acharyan and his parivaram during his visits to Srirangam. We earnestly look forward to technical and financial support from the devotee community. Interested persons please contact one of the co-ordinators listed below.
Sri Vedantha Deshikan Thirumaligai
North Uttara Veedhi
Srirangam 620006, Tamil Nadu
Contact Phone: (431) 2432800
Manager: Sri Govidarajan
CO-ORDINATORS: 1. Sri R. Achutharaman, Bangalore Phone: +91 96860 24598 Email: [email protected] 2. Sri N Ananthanarayana, Chennai Phone: +91-94440 30895 Email: [email protected] |
Azhvar Tirunagari Mutt

Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swami Mutt at Azhvar Tirunagari (also locally known as Sri Vedanta Deshikan Sannidhi) in the Tirunelvelli district of Tamilnaduhosts one of the ancient sannithis for Swami Desikan in the famous avatara kshetram of Swami Nammazhwar. This is the most recent Branch of the Mutt, established with niyamanam from the Acharya.Daily. Thiruvaradhanam and Visesha Shravana Thirumanjanam and Azhwar-Acharya Thirunakshatrams are celebrated here. Please make it a point to visit this place when you visit Azhvar Tirunagari.
Recent and Upcoming Events
SamprokShanam & Pratishthai Feb 19 – 21, 2022
With our Acharyan & Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevar Anugraham ,the Maha Samprokshanam of our Mutt Sri Desikar Sannidhi ,along with the Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevar Utsavar Vigraham Pratishtai at Sri Azhwar Thirunagari , Tamil Nadu, was performed on Monday, 21-02-2022 morning. The 3-day rituals were performed in the presence of our Acharyan Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan. Several Mutt Sishyaas, Abhimanis, and Sevarthigal, participated in the above Maha Samprokshanam & received the Blessings of our Acharyan & Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevar.
For more details, Program announcement, Photos and Videos of the function, please see the EVENTS PAGE on this website.
For Photos and Videos from the Occasion, you may also visit Sri Parakala Matam Facebook
Azhwar Thirunagari Mutt,
Sri Desigar Sannidhi
Azhvar Tirunagari, Tamilnadu, 628 612
Contact Person: Aradhakar Sri Thiruvengadattan
Mobile No: 95859-45827/93618-95343.
Link to Google Map (To Adinathan Temple)
Sri T. N. C. Venkatesan,
Trustee, Chennai Parakala Mutt,
Mobile No: +91 98840 64245,
Email: [email protected]
Tiruvaheendirapuram Mutt

This is one of the newer branches of Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swami Mutts to be established in recent years. A few years ago a local devotee came forward to donate a small plot of land for constructing the Mutt. Then, thanks to the steadfast devotion and effort of a few shiShyas, a small two-story building was constructed on this plot of land at a cost of about Rs.65 lakh, fulfilling the long-felt desire of our Acharyan to establish the formal presence of Sri Matham in the place where its founder Swamy Deshikan spent a very large part of his life and where he attained the saakShaatkaaram of Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva. The building became ready for occupation in 2015. The building is in two floors with a foot print of 15 ft X 40 ft. The ground has a prayer hall, a room, kitchen, bath and toilet. It is suitable for the use of Acharya when he visits the town. The upsatirs area has a hall and room with attached bath. The room will be air-conditioned. It will be available for renting by devotees visiting tiruvaheendirapuram. Contact Sri Achutan for rent and availabilty.
For photos of the interior, please see THIS LINK
Activities at the Mutt
14 Shravanams in a year
Abhinava Ramanujar Thirunashatram (Avani Shravanam)
Hayagreevar Jayanthi and 10 days utsavam at Oaushadagiri in Hayagreevar sannidhi
Puratasi Desigan Thirunakshtharam at Oushadagiri. Hayagreevan Mangalasasanam
Dhanurmasam 30 days
Abhinava Vageesha Swamy Thirunakshthram
Abhinava Vageesha Swamy Sankalpam
Kumara Vardarachariar Thirunakshtharam
Abhinava Ranganatha swamy Thirunakshtharam Swamy Desigan Vidyatri uthsavam
Upcoming Events
Link to Parakala Matham Facebook
Normal Mutt Hours
All days: 9.00 A.M – 12.00 PM, 6.00 P.M- 8.30 P.M
Hours vary during Dhanur Maasam and on other special occassions. These will be notified at that time.
Sri Parakala Matam
Tiruvaheendirapuram, Tamil Nadu 607 401
Contact Person:
Sri. Achutan.
Tel: 91-94445 16304 (mobile); 91-4142288220 (land line)
Link to Google Map
Sri K.V. Varadarajan, Chennai (Trustee)
Mobile: +91-90032 76500
Email-id: [email protected]
Recent Photos, Audio & Videos
Srimad Azhagiyashigar Ponnadi at the Mutt in July 2016: SEE LINK
Adhyayanam during Acharya TN Celebration in May 2016: SEE LINK
Support our Activities
If you wish to support the activities of these Newer Tamilnadu Branches of the Mutt directly, please make your contribution using the option below that is appropriate for you:
- Donors from India:
By cheque Payable to “SBSPS MUTT D.TRUST” and mail it to “Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swamy Mutt, Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva Bhavanam, 45/46 Vedantha Desigar Street, Mylapore, Chennai 600004. Please mention your name, contact phone number and address in your letter and attach it to the cheque.
If you wish to make a payment on line, please contact Sri Kannan Parthasarathy at [email protected] for Bank account details. - Donors from outside India
Contact Sri Ramesh Talkad at [email protected] for instructions about sending money to Parakala Mutt and its branches from outside India in compliance with the FCR Act of the Government of India.
Alternately, you can send your contribution online as a “General Donation” to our US Affiliate, PLM, USA by going to the general PAYMENT PAGE on this website
Sri Kannan Parthasarathy , Trustee, Chennai Sri Parakala Mutt
Mobile number: 91 95000 45211
Email id: [email protected]